


« October 2024 »

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Abstract of Talks

Invited Talks

Sheldon Newhouse, Michigan State University

  1. A trip into the world of computer assisted proofs in Dynamical Systems
  2. Homoclinic Points, Hausdorff Dimension, and a theorem of Gonchenko, Silnikov, and Turaev

Sergei Tabachnikov, Penn State University

  1. Pentagram Map, twenty years after
  2. Tire tracks geometry, hatchet planimeter, Menzin's conjecture, and complete integrability

Robert Connelly, Cornell University
Unfolding a Carpenter's Rule and some consequences

Yuliy Baryshnikov, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign & Bell Labs
Topological Obstacles in Control

Contributed Talks

In the order received

Sarah Frick, Furman University
Complexity of Isotropic Adic Systems

Sajiya Jalil, Georgia State University
Experimental phase relation captured by model central pattern generator

Isaac A. Garcia, University of Lleida, Spain
Centers on center manifolds in R3and the vanishing set of inverse Jacobi multipliers

Jeremy Wojcik, Georgia State University
Phase-lag return mappings for control of polyrhythms in bursting 3-cell networks

Kevin McGoff, Duke University
Which dynamics are possible for Zd SFTs

Justus Schwabedal, Potsdam University, Germany
Phase description of stochastic oscillations

Igor Belykh, Georgia State University
Stochastically switched dynamical systems: odds of meeting a ghost

Joanna Furno, UNC Chapel Hill
Measures of p-adic Julia Sets

Tingli Xing, Georgia State University
Kneading in Lorenz and Shimizu-Moriako model

Jasmine Ng, Washington University in St. Louis
Billiard Markov Operators and Second-Order Differential Operators

Timothy Chumley, Washington University in St. Louis
A Central Limit Theorem and Weak Invariance Principle for a Billiard-Markov Model

Douglas Shafer, UNC Charlotte
Stability and Centers in the Moon-Rand Systems

Martin Schmoll, Clemson University
Dynamics on lattice Panov planes and applications

Page last modified on April 12, 2012, at 11:58 PM
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