


« February 2025 »

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Abstract of Talks

In the order received.

Douglas Shafer, UNC Charlotte
The Cyclicity of Nilpotent Center Singularities

Miaohua Jiang, Wake Forest Univerisity
The SRB measure and its derivative for hyperbolic systems

Richard Neidinger, Davidson College
A fair-bold gambling function that is simply singular

Anne Catlla, Wofford College
Control of Turing Patterns via Temporal Forcing and Layering

David Ralson, SUNY College at Old Westbury
1/2-heavy sequences drivern by rotation

Rachel Bayless, Agnes Scott College
Rigidity and Weak Mixing in Infinite Ergodic Theory

Benjamin Wilson, UNC Chapel Hill
Variations of Measurements of Complexity in Dynamical Systems

Jane Hawkins, UNC Chapel Hill and NSF
Markov cellular automata as models for chronic disease progression

James Campbell, The University of Memphis
Recurrence and Primitivity for IP Systems with Polynomial Wildcards

Emily Burkhead, Meredith College
A Cellular Automata Model of a Chemical Reaction

Kevin McGoff, Duke University
Bowen's Entropy-conjugacy conjecture is true up to finite index

Kelly Yancey, University of Maryland
Self-Similar Interval Exchange Transformatins

Page last modified on April 22, 2014, at 11:32 PM
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